Light up your event
When it comes to fireworks, always select a professional business. We prefer working with Skylighters of WNY or Contact Matt Shaw. He is professional and his company puts on over 30 firework performances every weekend through the warmer weather months all over the state of NY. They are stunning, colorful, boombastic and professional.
( we made up the word boombastic... but you get the picture)
How much do Fireworks cost?
The only accurate way to know- is to call and get a quote since there are so many options. However, to get an idea.....the cost can run from $2500 to $5000. Call Skylighters at 716.903.3291 or Jennifer at American Fireworks Display at (607) 316-3011
Because Fig Hollow Barn is located in an agricultural area, to be sensitive to homes and farms around us, we always require that firework companies remove the "salutes" from a show. This is the term related for the super loud sounds that go "boom."
The process for hosting a firework display is:
1. the licensed company hosting it will submit an application to the town of Macedon's Clerk. The application will be presented to the town board for approval. The permit is accompanied with a site drawing, insurance, all contact information.
This must be done a minimum of four months prior with the town of Macedon.
Town Clerk 986-5932 x102
2. Fig Hollow Barn will notify:
A. the community via Facebook group pages as soon as we are aware of a fireworks request but will also report
one week prior to the event.
B. 911 as so to prevent unnecessary public safety resources from being dispatched.